
2024年1月28日—IfyouforgetyourTelegramtwo-stepverificationcode,youcanretrieveitviayouremail.Youcanskiptherecoveryemailbytouching“Skip” ...,2024年7月11日—TorecoveryourlostTelegramaccount,opentheapp,tapForgotPassword,andrequestaverificationcode.Enterthecodeandverifyyour ...,2022年4月25日—Loginto,deactivateyouraccount,thenregisteragainforanewaccountandactuallyaddanemailnextt...

How to Enable telegram two-step verification

2024年1月28日 — If you forget your Telegram two-step verification code, you can retrieve it via your email. You can skip the recovery email by touching “Skip” ...

I accidentally lost my password and it says the two

2024年7月11日 — To recover your lost Telegram account, open the app, tap Forgot Password, and request a verification code. Enter the code and verify your ...

i forgot two steps verification password

2022年4月25日 — Log in to, deactivate your account, then register again for a new account and actually add an email next time.

Telegram Messenger

2022年1月15日 — On mobile, go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Two-Step Verification then follow the prompts for Forgot Password and Can't access email.

Two-factor authentication

If the user has forgotten their 2FA password, the following recovery options are available:Logged-in sessions only: password reset »Logged-in and not logged-in sessions: email recovery »Not logged-in sessions: account deletion »


Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Two-Step Verification to add or change your password. You can also enable a local Passcode Lock.

What can I do if I forgot my Telegram two

2021年5月20日 — First, you can try resending the code to your phone number. If you still can't access the code, you may need to wait a few minutes before ...